helm repo add truefoundry
A Helm chart for installing clickhouse-operator and zookeeper
tfy-civo-talos-inframold (0.0.4@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on civo for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-aws-eks-inframold (0.1.24@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on aws for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-azure-aks-inframold (0.1.24@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on azure for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-civo-talos-inframold (0.1.24@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on civo for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-gcp-gke-autopilot-inframold (0.0.43@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on gcp for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-gcp-gke-standard-inframold (0.1.24@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on gcp for truefoundry.
tfy-k8s-generic-inframold (0.1.24@)
Inframold, the superchart that configure your cluster on generic for truefoundry.
tfy-llm-gateway-monitoring (0.1.0-rc.2@)
TrueFoundry LLM Gateway monitoring stack chart
tfy-manifests-template (0.2.0@)
A Helm chart where all K8s manifest comes from values.yaml
truefoundry-configs (0.1.0-rc.1@)
Various ConfigMaps to configure TrueFoundry Control Plane